Ongoing kindergarten registration!

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Current Consultations

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In a spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that our organization and our schools are located on the traditional territories of British Columbia’s First Peoples.

Engaged students and communities, a flourishing Francophonie


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Épisode 3 – Et si on apprenait ?

RICHMOND, 28 juin 2024 – Le Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CSF) est ravi […]


Mutations – Directions d’école pour l’année scolaire 2024-2025

Richmond, 25 juin 2024 – Le bureau central du Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique tient […]

Conseil administration

Le conseil d’administration a le plaisir d’annoncer le nouveau nom de l’école francophone de Kimberley : k̓ustit̕ ¢̕upnakutnamu – Les Melèzes Dorés

RICHMOND, le 25 juin – Le samedi  22 juin, le conseil d’administration (CA) du Conseil scolaire francophone de […]

Want to join our team?

Many positions to be filled

The CSF is a public school board known nationally for its dynamism and innovative spirit. With over 1200 employees, it is one of the largest francophone employers in Western Canada.