October 28, 2024 – November 8, 2024

Status: By-election is currently ongoing until November 8, 2024.

Learn About the Candidates!

In view of the election that will take place from October 28, 2024, at 12:00 PM (noon) to November 8, 2024, at 8:00 PM Pacific Time, members of the CSF in the Greater Vancouver area will be able to vote and elect the next trustee to represent them.

How to vote?

Only CSF members residing in the Greater Vancouver area (Richmond, New Westminster, Vancouver, and Burnaby) are eligible to vote to elect a candidate.

A ballot was sent to member and staff email addresses. If you have not received your ballot, please contact

How to vote?

You will be able to vote in this by-election if:

  • You are a Canadian citizen
  • You have reached the age of 18 by the election date
  • You reside in the Greater Vancouver area
  • You are a member of the CSF

As a member from the Greater Vancouver Ward, you should have received your ballot from the following CSF email:

If you have not received it directly in your personal email, you can find it in your CSF member’s email account by following these steps:


  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Identifiant ou mot de passe oublié”
  3. Use your CSF member email address which is as follows:
  4. Your CSF member’s email will appear, and a link will be sent to you to obtain a new password and access your account.
  5. To vote, please follow the instructions included in your email with the title: 2024 school elections | 2024 School Trustee Elections


A reminder that the voting period will be held from Monday, October 28, 2024, to Friday, November 8, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.


If you are having difficulties finding your CSF member’s account, your username or for any other questions regarding the process, please contact:  or by telephone:

Other resources

Rôles et responsabilités d’une conseillère ou d’un conseiller

Other links


Coralie Mpoyo
604 214-2636


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