Inclusive Education
Francization is defined as the process allowing students who speak little or no French to develop oral and written language skills in French so that they can engage in a full range of interactions in their social and school lives.
Language is a tool that serves a wide range of purposes: communication, thought, learning, identity-building and the development of culture. It allows students to assert themselves as Francophones.
This represents an enormous challenge in a minority context, particularly since our clientele comes from highly diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
The tool “Le nouveau guide de francisation en Colombie-Britannique” (The New Guide to Francization in British Columbia) was developed in order to respond to the needs of our clientele.

Speech and language therapy
A speech and language therapist is a professional who assesses students’ speech, language and voice function and disorders. In the context of minority language schools, it is important to distinguish between language and a language.
A language: A system of vocal signs used as instruments of communication among the members of a particular community. A language has a specific vocabulary and grammar. Examples: French, English, Spanish, etc.
Language: The human ability to communicate and express thoughts through a language. Language problems have repercussions on learning and the use any particular language.
Language difficulties are treated through speech and language therapy. The CSF provides a personalized service to students who require it in order to improve their ability to express themselves.
However, problems with proficiency in French as a second language that are unrelated to language problems (i.e. the student is proficient in their first language) are treated through francization.