School bus attendance zone
Each school has its own school bus attendance zone. To find out which one your school is in, feel free to click on the map or on the name of the area to see the details.
Walking Zone
An area surrounding a school where students are expected to walk to school or from their home to a designated pickup point. This zone may vary depending on the student’s grade level and region.
Écoles hétérogènes: the walking zone for the Francophone school corresponds to the walking zone of the co-located Anglophone school.
Walking Zone – Elementary Schools
For all areas:
- High-traffic urban areas: 1 kilometer
- Moderate-traffic urban areas: 2 kilometers
- Semi-rural and rural areas: 3 kilometers
Walking Zone – Secondary Schools (Grades 8 to 12)
The walking zone is 3 kilometers. Distances are calculated based on the route the student must take to travel from their home to the school they attend or their designated bus stop.
School Transportation Zone
Defines and limits bus service. The school transportation zone may vary depending on the region and the number of students.
Financial Assistance Zone
Defines the area where school transportation is not provided. This zone lies outside the school transportation zone but within the school attendance area.